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Showing posts from April, 2009

another time-lapse video: Soundproof ceiling in 2 min.

Drop ceilings without demo This video, made by a guy in Greece, shows another interesting approach to the drop ceiling that doesn't seem to involve demolishing the original ceiling. The materials he's using might be slightly different than what you can buy in the USA, but the principle is the same: creating a flexible suspension that keeps the ceiling from being attached directly to the wood joists. The more traditional RC-channel ceiling is detailed here in this PDF from Acoustic Sciences Corporation , which involves attaching metal, flexible RC channels on top of -- and perpendicular to --the wood ceiling joists. It involves: Removing the existing ceiling material in order to access the area Adding sound-dampening materials Attaching the channels across the joists Adding drywall to the channels.  This PDF is a good resource for how to properly attach RC channels, but I notice that in its supply list, it doesn't include some of the newer, superior materi...

How to build a soundproof vocal booth - Time Lapse

Time-lapse vocal recording booth builds The original video I posted here back in 2009 is now gone. But I found a few more time-lapse videos of vocal booth builds that you might enjoy and learn from. From Chad Edwards :   On this video from SkyAcreRandomEtc , you'll see that they decoupled their floor with rubber as one of the first steps (it goes by really fast):      RobScallion2 shows a time lapse of him building a prefab vocal booth. But if you're a voiceover artist and you just want to put it together like IKEA furniture...